Touring the world; touring a country; touring a state; touring a province; Each and all provide their own opportunities to deviate from your routine of eating whilst eroding your innards at very little expense. Fried food is cheap, creative, satisfying, and provides precisely the comfort a tired or irritated person needs. There have been numerous attempts by me and countless others, no doubt, at reversing the polarities of habitual dietary negligence in favour of 'eating healthy' on the road. Some are successes. But like so many other inevitabilities in life, you'll end up staring down the barrel of a banquet burger at some point on the road.
Home, however, is where your colon and mine gets a rest from the bodily civil war. Above is my go-to cleansing lunch. IN layman's terms, Salad. Duh. Sure, if this was a food blog, my next trick would be to teach you how to make a bowl of cereal -- and it will -- so don't think i'm trying to be impressive or cocky. Try and vary at your leisure:
Raw Kale -- 2-4 leaves, washed, and torn from the stem. Leave them out.
*i like to sub in/add arugula, chickory, or spinach
Red Pepper
Field Cucumber
Raw Tofu
Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Coarse Salt
Cracked Pepper
Dijon Mustard
garnish with - raw sunflower seeds/raw pumpkin seeds.
Enough to fill, plenty of vitamins, some protein, and if you've got a vivid imagination you can picture the kale scrubbing all the bad stuff out of your stomach like a plant-matter bottle brush.